Updating Old content

Step-by-Step Guide to Updating old content to improve Google Rankings


Keeping your content fresh and relevant is crucial for Google. You can save time and money by updating old content instead of creating new pieces. 

Hiring a virtual assistant to revamp old posts across your blog can cost around $500, far less than the $2,000 you might spend on 10 new articles.

Updating old content boosts rankings, drives more traffic, enhances user experience, adds new knowledge, and renews the value of information. Let’s dive into the steps.

  • Identify outdated content that covers evergreen topics. Look for posts with good traffic potential. Check for factual errors, broken links, and obsolete statistics.
  • Refresh the content by adding new information, visuals, and updated data. Remove anything irrelevant or inaccurate. Improve formatting and structure.
  • Update metadata like title, description, and headers with relevant keywords. Optimise images and videos for better load times.
  • Republish the content with a new publish date. Let visitors know it has been updated. Promote the revamped post through your channels.
  • Track performance metrics like traffic, engagement, and rankings. Make further tweaks based on data. Keep content fresh with periodic updates.

Following this process lets you breathe new life into old posts. You leverage existing assets, save resources, and give readers valuable, up-to-date information.

Key Takeaways

  1. Regularly updating your existing blog content is a high-impact, cost-effective strategy for improving visibility and driving more traffic to your website. 
  2. Instead of constantly creating new posts from scratch, refreshing your evergreen articles allows you to:
  •   Maintain relevance for search engines by keeping information accurate and up-to-date
  •    Enhance the user experience by improving content structure, formatting, and visuals
  •    Maximize your SEO efforts by optimizing for fresh keywords and topics  
  •    Revive underperforming posts by addressing gaps and adding high-value sections
  1. With a methodical approach and the right tools, you can streamline the updating process across your site.
  2. Dedicate resources to rejuvenating your content assets – the ROI can be substantial in terms of better rankings, increased engagement, greater credibility, and new business opportunities.
  3. An intentional content refresh is the key to unlocking the full potential of your previous work.
  4. Start revitalizing those timeless articles today for long-term, compounding returns.

Identifying Which Content to Update

Over time, you may notice a decline in traffic or lower-ranking positions for some content. This signals outdated information that needs a refresh. Use Google Search Console to analyse articles ranking on pages 10-20. See what improvements can be made, like adding subheadings, statistics, and trends.

Assess if your existing keywords remain relevant or if new ones should be targeted. Check search volumes and buyer intent. Adjust as needed.

Focus on evergreen content – topics that remain valuable over time. This content aids buyers throughout their journey, from awareness to consideration. It educates on product benefits and usage. Evergreen pieces are ideal for updates as the core information stays relevant.

You have a wealth of existing content ripe for optimisation. Check performance metrics, keyword relevance, and evergreen potential. Prioritise posts with high-traffic opportunities and outdated sections. A strategic refresher can revive these assets.

Actionable Steps to Update Old Content

Keyword Optimization: Revisit your target keywords and update content to reflect relevant terms and search intent better. Use keyword research tools to identify new opportunities.

Call-to-Action Updates: Ensure your content has clear, compelling calls to action tailored to users’ locations in the buyer’s journey. Update CTAs as needed.

Actionable Steps to Update Old Content

Content Pruning: Remove any sections that are no longer relevant or useful. Streamline and tighten up your piece for a better reader experience.  

User Experience Enhancements: Consider adding jump links, tables of contents, FAQ sections, or other features to improve navigation and scannability.

Repurposing Updates: Look for opportunities to repurpose your refreshed content into new formats like videos, podcasts, or visual assets to reach more audiences.

You give them a brand new life by thoroughly updating and optimizing your older posts. Stay focused on delivering a high-quality, engaging experience tailored to your users’ needs.

Additional Techniques to Boost Your Updated Content

Incorporate relevant keywords naturally throughout the refreshed content. Add semantically related keywords to help search engines better understand your topic. Leverage AI writing tools to expand content and build better outlines quickly. Then, review the AI output, adding your knowledge and a human touch.

Build backlinks to your updated article. Reach out to relevant sites for guest posting opportunities or broken link building. Create linkable assets like expert interviews or original research to attract links. 

Promote your updated content on social media to boost its reach. Share on your brand channels and relevant communities. Encourage employees and partners to share as well.

Change the publish date when republishing. This signals to Google that you have comprehensively updated the content, helping it get re-indexed and ranked.

Implement these techniques to maximize the impact of your content updates. Strategic keyword use, backlink acquisition, social promotion, and date changes improve visibility. Your refreshed content deserves the spotlight.

Benefits of updating old content to improve Google rankings

Benefits of updating old content to improve Google rankings

Increased visibility and traffic await when you update your blog content. Search engines favour sites with fresh, relevant information. New posts signal activity, boosting your rankings. Higher rankings mean more eyes on your site as people discover your updated pieces.

Refreshed content improves reader engagement. New posts give your audience something to look forward to, sparking discussion. Consistent updates show commitment, building trust and loyalty. Your readers feel valued and part of a community.

You position yourself as a knowledgeable authority by sharing your expertise through updated posts. A library of high-quality content demonstrates credibility. Over time, you establish yourself as a go-to expert in your niche.

Updated posts create opportunities for guest blogging and collaborations. Other influencers notice your fresh perspective, and you expand your reach through their platforms while providing mutual value. 

Fresh, relevant content attracts new leads and potential customers to your business. People discover your brand through updated posts tailored to their interests. Engaged readers convert to loyal followers and clients.

Keeping your blog current helps you stay ahead of industry developments. You cover emerging trends, techniques, and news. This insider view gives you a competitive edge to identify new opportunities.

Overall, updating content provides immense value. It improves visibility, engagement, credibility, reach, lead generation, and industry knowledge—all key to online success.

Tools to Streamline the Process

Keyword Research Tools: Use tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, or Google’s Keyword Planner to identify relevant keywords to target in your updated content. Look for high-volume terms with good intent alignment.

Google Search Console: This free tool shows you which content ranks on pages 10-20 for various queries. Analyze these pieces to determine keywords to add and topics to expand upon.

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Content Analysis Tools: NeuronWriter, MarketMuse, and Surfer SEO evaluate your content’s comprehensiveness. They provide recommendations on semantically related phrases to cover for improved topic relevance.

Broken Link Checkers: Tools like Screaming Frog and Ahrefs can scan your existing posts for broken outbound links that need replacing.

Page Speed Insights: Google’s tool analyzes page load times and provides tips to improve performance – crucial for updated posts.

Project Management Software: Apps like Trello help you organize and track the updating process across multiple posts.

Don’t overlook built-in WordPress plugins for tasks like broken link detection and XML sitemap generation.

By strategically leveraging these tools, you can streamline finding outdated content opportunities, optimizing for relevance, maintaining links, enhancing UX, and efficiently managing your refresh workflow.


Keeping your content fresh is essential for success. You now have a comprehensive guide to revive older posts for improved visibility, engagement, and business growth.

The process begins with identifying the right pieces – those covering evergreen topics with the potential for better rankings. From there, you can revamp the content by updating information, optimizing keywords, and enhancing visuals and structure.

Leverage the power of tools to streamline your workflow. Research relevant keywords, analyze comprehensiveness, check links, track metrics, and manage projects efficiently.

Implement additional techniques like strategic keyword placement, backlink acquisition, social promotion, and publish date updates. These tactics maximize the impact of your refreshed content.

Renewing your existing posts yields immense benefits – boosted rankings, increased traffic, better engagement, enhanced credibility, new business opportunities, and a competitive industry edge. 

Don’t let your hard work gather dust. Breathe new life into those evergreen articles sitting idle. A strategic refresher unlocks their full potential as valuable assets for your online success.

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