Where to add calls-to-action in your blog post – Strategic Placements

Where to add calls-to-action in your blog post – Strategic Placements

Are there times you come up with blogposts but you are not sure where to place CTAs?

We have the answers for you, we will help you identify sweet spots for your call-to-actions.

There isn’t always a perfect spot where to add calls-to-action in your blog post but following our insights will help you get better click-through-rates

It would be sad for you to come up with content that will later get no conversions because the CTAs were not added correctly. What are call-to-actions and how best can they placed in the content. Let’s help you understand where to add calls-to-action in your blog post!

What are Call-To-Actions?

Calls to Action are statements or buttons requesting their readers to take specific steps. The acts may include signing up for a newsletter, filling out a survey, downloading an eBook, and placements of calls to action matters, just like the message matters. We will discuss what it needs for maximum blog conversion from Calls to Action.

Where to Add Calls-To-Action in your blog post

Where you place your CTAs significantly impacts the conversion rates of your blog posts. Here are some of the best CTA placements:

Above-the-fold CTAs

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Any call to Action placed above the fold means that the reader does not have to keep on scrolling for them to find it. The fact that it is immediately exposed may result in better conversions. Such CTAs apply when writers aspire to acquire their conversion goals, such as making a purchase.

Floating CTAs

These are one of the favourite CTAs since they remain visible as readers scroll. This help in CTA’s persistent presence throughout the reading experience

Conclusion CTAs 

where to add calls-to-action in your blog post
where to add calls-to-action in your blog post

They are found at the end of the post. The conclusion usually has the key points and the final words from the writer. They usually summarise the key points and encourage the readers to go ahead and take the next step

Interactive CTAs

These can work best, especially for long blog posts. A reader may decide to take a break, and instead of them leaving the website, they can have something interesting to jog their minds, like a puzzle or a quiz.

5 Types of Call-To-Actions (CTAs) in blog posts

A writer can use many types of CTAs depending on the Action they want their readers to take. When you are writing the blog post, you definitely know your audience and the tone to use. this translates to knowing the actions you need them to take. Below are some examples of CTAs;

Download Call-to-Actions  

These are meant to give out download links to free resources. Download CTAs should be placed at the end of the blog post, but sometimes they are placed anywhere within the content. In most cases before the download happens, you are asked to provide their email address and name.

Subscribe for updates 

A reader subscribes to receiving newsletters either in text or by email, alerting them on maybe new content uploads and valuable resources. This is common in YouTube to grow a channel and gain following.

Explore More

where to add calls-to-action in your blog post

The writer suggests blog posts with related information for the readers to explore, and this also helps them stay on the websites for longer. This is the method used in guest posting and link insertion activities in growing your site’s authority.

Subscription for free webinars

This one promotes free webinars that dig deeper into the blog post’s discussion topic. Free webinars boost engagements and also help the writer showcase their expertise in the writing field.

Leave a comment 

Leave comment

Readers can share their thoughts in the comment section, and a writer gets feedback from these comments. Through words, one can know what people think about your work, whether there is anything that needs improvement and whether people enjoyed reading your blog post.

How to create effective CTAs

Before you can worry of where to add calls-to-action in your blog post, it will be important to create an effective one. For a CTA to be as creative, there must be proper planning and attention to detail. Consider the following practices.

  • Use of language that is action-oriented. Readers must know what Action to take, or they will unintentionally ignore the CTA
  • Please keep it simple. The Call to Action should be simple and easy to understand 
  • Use catchy colours. Ensure that your CTA stands out from the rest of the information; otherwise, it will take much work for the reader to spot it.
  • Customize the CTAs for them to be mobile-friendly. We are in an era where most people access the internet using their mobile phones. These CTAs should be mobile-friendly.

Importance of Call to Action in blog posts

CTAs may seem meaningless, but they are vital when writing your blogposts. Readers are given a clear direction on their path, whether signing up for a newsletter or placing an order. Call to Action helps increase conversions since, in most cases, out of curiosity or being impressed by a piece of writing, a lead or a potential customer takes the next step in the customer journey.

CTAs also help the writer track the progress of his work since they can monitor the number of clicks or even the number of conversions attained from a CTA. 

Therefore, they can tell which types of blog posts resonate well with their readers and the ones that need more attention. We may undermine such information, but it can help in content optimization.


What is CTA?

It is a statement or word that gives instructions to readers for them to take specific actions.

Are CTAs important, and why?

Yes. CTAs are vital since they give directions to the readers on the steps they should take and therefore help increase conversions. Without CTAs, readers can only come, view your work and leave without taking any action.

Where should I place my CTAs in my blog posts?

CTA placement is crucial; you can either place them above the fold, within the content or in the conclusion of your blog post.


CTAs play a vital role in converting readers to potential customers, driving more revenue. To come up with the best and most effective CTAs, you can use the strategies in this article and check whether they work for you. Always remember to measure the success of your CTAs.

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